Annual technical and policy brief based on the results of each CoP (D2.2)

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  • File size 1.88 MB
  • Upload-Date 20. July 2021

This deliverable is designed as a brief overview of activities carried out in the Communities of Practice (CoPs) within the STOP-IT project, together with summarizing the feedback of the participants and facilitators, and providing recommendations for future CoP activities. These feedbacks have guided the Work Package 2 (WP 2) team in delivering high-quality information and support to the CoPs and their members and participants throughout the project. In developing this brief, all feedback and evaluation forms provided by the CoPs facilitators over the four years of STOP-IT have been taken into consideration, as well as feedback from the facilitators of the workshops and work meetings from the first year. 29 workshop reports and feedback from all facilitators were used in developing this brief, six from the first year, three reports for the second year, 10 for the third year, and 10 in the fourth year. The evaluation by both the participants and facilitators of the workshops was summarized and consolidated in order to avoid duplication of information. Each year this report has been updated with the results of the last project year. This has resulted in a complete overview of the results of all CoPs. In this final brief, lessons learned for future CoPs are formulated as a result of the feedback and recommendations provided by participants and facilitators regarding STOP-IT perspectives.