Guidelines for CoP setup and animation / Deliverable 2.1

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  • File size 2.65 MB
  • Upload-Date 29. August 2018

Deliverable 2.1 - Guidelines for CoP setup and animation - delivers the frame for Communities of Practice (CoP) within the STOP-IT project in order to provide creative space and room enabling a mutual learning process between Frontrunners and Followers, project partners, as well as external stakeholders. This report (i) helps to ensure a common understanding of the CoP-approach in the STOP-IT project, defining the CoP-design on three levels: local, project and trans-project in terms of community architecture, responsibilities, community spaces, confidentiality, actors and stakeholders etc.; (ii) shows how CoPs will be launched and developed through the different phases of the project and (iii) supports to set-up and maintain CoPs on local, project and trans-project level.