STOP-IT Public Warning Notification System – PDF file

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  • Upload-Date 21. February 2019

This is the supporting document to the Public Warning Notification System (PWNS). The tool is available at Zenodo and the source code at Github. The tool has two main functionalities: detect and report incidents and inform users and citizens. This system is a key element in the project as it activates the first phase of the solution that is triggering an alert that in turn will ultimately put in place the corresponding response plan.

The PWNS processes data, alerts and detected incidents from external sources and reports them to the STOP-IT core platform. At this initial stage the incident has to be validated by a human operator in most cases. Once this is done, the anomaly is notified to the system that, by cross-checking with other incident-related data from different sources, can identify the risk situation. This assessment then will be sent to the visualisation interface for water utilities.